DSME Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity

October 3, 2017




WellFlorida Council is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grant funding from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to expand access to Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) programs in North Central Florida. People with diabetes who complete a DSME program are better able to manage their disease and prevent or delay complications. DSME is s a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to disease management that meets national standards.

To extend the reach of the DSME mini-grant funding opportunity, WellFlorida was selected as one of three health planning councils to act as a “hub” for distribution of funds and coordination of services.

The purpose of this funding is to reduce health inequity in areas with limited or no access to quality DSME services. These areas include rural communities without a recognized or accredited DSME program and populations which experience high rates of type 2 diabetes, its complications and diabetes-related death.

Please see the announcement and application for additional details.

Important Dates

Q & A conference call: Oct. 11, 2017, 2:00-3:00PM EDT

       Toll-free number: 888.670.3525

        Participant Code: 416.360.4135

Summary of conference call posted on health council websites: Oct. 17, 2017

Application deadline: Nov. 1, 2017  *** 

Please note, the application deadline has been extended to Friday, November 3 at 5PM. Please submit your mini-grant application to lredding@www.wellflorida.org and request a read or delivery report to ensure successful delivery of your submission.

Questions? Please email Lindsey K. Redding, Director of Community Initiatives at lredding@www.wellflorida.org


Oct. 11 Conference Call Question and Answer Summaries:

Question: It is said that you can use the funds for training from AADE or ADA, I have looked at their sites and there is nothing listed beyond November. How do we include that?

If you indicate that you are interested in travel, put an estimate of the amount. Please assume travel within Florida or surrounding states, if possible, to keep things cost efficient. There is generally at least one conference in Florida or surrounding areas every year, though it may not be listed on the site yet. If funded we will work with you and the Diabetes Alliance to see which training is most appropriate.

Question: The application asks what you are doing currently with DSME, what if you are not? We have classes however they are not considered accredited.

You should describe what is available in your county to the best of your ability but do not assume that it will be counted against you if it doesn’t exist. We are attempting to establish programs where they do not exist as well as promote sustainability of those that do exist. There are different levels of expectation for agencies applying for Objective One than those applying for Objectives Three, Four, or Five. Also, take a look at the National Standards to see what you have in place (this link can be found on the first page on the application in the overview section). The National Standards may help agencies determine how developed their existing programs actually are.

Question: Last week we submitted our accreditation package and we are waiting for determination of the paperwork, it should come back before December 1st. Will that hinder us from applying for Objective 4?

Don’t see that being a problem. Part of the process is that we will communicate with you and work with you through the application process and funding cycle and during phone interviews November 13th-22nd. It is possible by that time you will know if you have received accreditation and we can work with you from there.

Question: Is there a way that we can receive Attachment 3 in an Excel form to utilize that exact template?

Your hub will post it on the website.

Question: On page 7 it states that we will listen to a pre-recorded webinar and that a program coordinator and a professional staff member may participate. Can the project coordinator be me even though I am not a nurse, however I do have ARNP that does want to become certified?

Yes, non-clinical staff may serve as the program coordinator. The requirements for a program coordinator do not require for them to be a healthcare professional, they do require that you have general program management experience in chronic disease management or a related field.

Question: For question number 5, list the counties where your organization provides services, can we put Hendry and Glades counties even though it is not accredited?


Question: For objective number 5, we have a lot of patients with transportation issues, I am wondering if this will relate to providing DSME via telemedicine type providing?

There is a separate grant for telemedicine that is not affiliated with this and that is not open at this time. We may be able to help to prepare for a telehealth program if it is specifically to help people with physical or intellectual limitations or if your agency is developing a new program and determining which delivery type works best for your agency. The setting up of telehealth is a separate funding source.

Question: Providers in my area provide medical and clinic care through mobile units, how will that work with this funding to deliver Diabetes Self-Management Education?

If Program A has a base site and would be out delivering services in the community at different locations with the same staff, it is considered the same program, just portable.

Question: I noticed in the funding announcement it mentioned a $10,000 cap at each location, does that mean that a provider that has more than one location can apply for $10,000 for each location or is it $10,000 for all?

Organizations can apply for $10,000 per site according to the funding announcement. Funding will be determined based on how many eligible organizations have applied and the amount of available funding. It is unknown at this time if we will be able to fund more than one site per organization.

Question: We have an FQHC with multiple sites so is everyone aside from our downtown location considered a satellite site, that we would have to apply for separately? What is the different between a community location and a satellite site?

There are 2 different definitions you would have to determine which one you fit in to. If you are a community site it is an expansion to your existing program on to the community that means you share one certificate and can have up to 20 different sites with the same curriculum. They are not separate applications. If you are going to operate semi-independently from the primary location then you would still need to have the same coordinator but they can be audited independently, they would have a customized individual certificate, they can build separately than the primary location. All of those things come into play. There is a separate fee for those types.

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Post by julie.harris

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