Talk on prostate screenings is Wednesday

February 28, 2012




Gainesville Sun, February 28, 2012
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently downgraded the effectiveness of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test in preventing prostate cancer deaths, but that has been met with some protest.

The North Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative 2012 Kickoff plans a fuller discussion of that finding Wednesday with guest speaker Dr. Johannes Vieweg of the University of Florida Department of Urology and Prostate Disease Center.

The talk, “Prostate Cancer: Current Screening Policy Debates and Recommendations,” will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at Haven Hospice E.T. York Care Center, located at 4200 NW 90th Blvd., Gainesville.

The discussion, sponsored by WellFlorida Council, is free and open to the public. More information is available at or by calling Lindsey Redding at 313-6500 ext.105.

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