Surveys seek insights into children’s services in Alachua County

June 7, 2016




Gainesville Sun

WellFlorida Council is conducting surveys to gauge services for children age 5 and under in Alachua County. Parents and guardians can win a $50 VISA gift card by taking the Parent/Guardian Children’s Services Survey. Healthcare providers, day care workers and other organizations and businesses that provide services to the same group, are invited to take the Provider survey to help determine the needs of children in Alachua County and how they are being met.

Results from the survey will be included in the Alachua County Children’s Services Needs Assessment 2016 to be released in August by WellFlorida. WellFlorida is the local health council for North Central Florida and consultants for health causes.

Both surveys are available at (select “Survey”) and are also being distributed to key locations throughout the county. Surveys take roughly 10 minutes.

To receive a printed version of the surveys, or for additional information regarding the surveys, call or email Lindsey Redding at or 352-313-6500, ext. 110.

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Post by julie.harris

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