Marion County residents encouraged to share views on marketing messages

September 6, 2016




WellFlorida News Release

WellFlorida Council is conducting focus groups on marketing messages used in Marion County and how they contribute to the community’s health. All Marion County adult residents are invited. Participants will earn $20 for about two hours of their time. Various sessions are scheduled throughout the month of September.

Focus group dates, times and locations are posted on the WellFlorida website  and Facebook page. To join a focus group, or for more information, contact Lindsey Redding at WellFlorida Council at or 352-313-6500, ext. 115.

Results from the focus groups will be used to improve the marketing efforts of Measure UP Marion County, a community program of Heart of Florida Health Center, made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

WellFlorida is the local health council for North Central Florida and consultants for health causes.

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Post by julie.harris

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