County Health Profiles

October 5, 2016


Blog, Other


Health data for each county in North Central Florida and the collective region has recently been published on WellFlorida Council’s website. WellFlorida provides annual county health profiles to help residents and community leaders get a snapshot of the health status of each county and how it compares to the state. The data represents the health status of over 1.6 million North Central Florida residents. The profiles include data for a range of categories including access to healthcare, lifestyle, socioeconomics, and maternal and infant health.

WellFlorida’s CEO, Jeff Feller, said, “We hope the profiles are used as a starting point—leading to more research, public awareness activities and new programs and strategies to improve the overall health in our region.”

View the County Health Profiles
Download a copy of the 2016 North Central Florida County Health Profile


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