Annual Rural Tobacco Summit to be held in Lake City
WellFlorida News Release
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (March 11, 2014)—Suwannee River Area Education Center (SRAHEC) will host its 6th Annual Rural Tobacco Summit at Lake Shore Hospital in Lake City on April 1. The free event, “Addiction, Tobacco and E-Cigarettes: A Clinical Update,” will present information relating to the current effect of tobacco on youth and adults.
Lake Shore Hospital and the North Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative (NCFCCC) are co-sponsoring the event as part of SRAHEC’s StellarEd Solutions program to encourage health professional education. Presentations will focus on addiction, electronic cigarettes, emerging tobacco products and youth, and tobacco and wound healing. The event will also provide attendees with up to five continuing education credit hours.
Healthcare professionals including physician assistants, community health workers, social workers and mental health counselors are encouraged to attend.
For more information, including event registration and a full agenda, visit
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