Health insurance enrollment

November 25, 2015




The Gainesville Sun

Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators from WellFlorida Council and other local organizations will provide free enrollment assistance at the “Get Covered for the New Year” event.

It will take place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Santa Fe Center for Innovation and Economic Development, or CIED, at 530 W. University Ave. Walk-ins and RSVPs are welcome.

Attendees should either bring or know the Social Security numbers for everyone who will be on their health insurance plan and also supporting documentation of household income, such as tax returns and pay stubs.

To RSVP, visit and select “Connector” and search by Zip code for 32601, the Zip for CIED.

For more information, call 352-299-0380 or visit

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