News, Events & Public Meetings

WellFlorida News Release

About 80 people experienced the virtual realities of poverty in a unique poverty simulation conducted today by the North Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative and the Florida Department of Health in Colombia County.

The Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) was designed to help people better understand the realities of poverty. Participants included staff members of various human service agencies and local civic and community leaders.

“This program helps people understand the complexities and frustrations of living in poverty day to day,” said Lindsey Redding, Director […]

November 6, 2019




The following organizations were selected for the DSME Mini Grant Funding for 2020:
·         Dynamic Therapy and Wellness Services, Inc.
·         Heart of Florida Health Center
·         Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc.
·         Living Smart Diabetes Self-Management Program
·         PanCare of Florida, Inc.
·         Ascension Sacred Heart Gulf


WellFlorida Council is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grant funding to expand access to DSME programs in North Central Florida.

People with diabetes who complete a diabetes self-management education (DSME) class are better able to manage […]

October 15, 2019




Council’s High Impact Prevention (HIP) project will be tabling again this year
at the Ocala Pride event on Oct. 19 from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Tuscawilla
Park. HIP will also be tabling at the Gainesville Pride event on Oct. 26 from 1
p.m. to 9 p.m. at Bo Diddley Plaza.

Both events
are free and open to the public. Guests can enjoy live music from local bands
and artists, food trucks, and more. At the Gainesville location, there will be
over one hundred vendors. Both events are kid-friendly and […]

October 14, 2019




Local businesses are invited to participate in Business Responds to AIDS, a partnership between WellFlorida Council and businesses interested in ending HIV/AIDS. Businesses participating in the program provide prevention messages and materials to customers, employees and neighborhoods, and can also serve as a free HIV testing site.

Business Responds to AIDS is a component of WellFlorida’s High Impact Prevention (HIP) program. The program helps to raise community awareness about HIV/AIDS, motivate residents in high prevalence neighborhoods to get tested, increase the number of persons who […]

August 15, 2019




The Certificate of Need (CON) program has been eliminated for general hospitals as of July 1. CON, which has been in effect in Florida since the 1970’s, is a regulatory process that requires certain healthcare providers to obtain state approval before offering certain new or expanded services. WellFlorida provides services for the Florida CON program, including facilitating public hearings on proposed CON projects, monitoring approved projects and filing status reports to the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). The new law keeps CON requirements for […]

August 15, 2019




WellFlorida CEO Jeff Feller was one of three guests on Spectrum News 1 In Focus with Allison Walker Torres. The topic, rising cost of healthcare, explored issues surrounding Medicare, affordable prescription drugs and the burden of healthcare costs on families and seniors. Jeff was joined by guests Karen van Caulil, Ph.D., President and CEO of Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value (formerly the Florida Health Care Coalition), and Rep. Stephanie Murphy [D – U.S. House District 7]. Watch the three part show by clicking the links below:

WellFlorida News Release

Central Florida Health and WellFlorida Council have recently released reports that assess the health of Lake, Sumter and Marion counties. The reports provide data on the health of the region and identify priority issues for improvement. Two assessments, along with the 2019 Central Florida Health Community Health Assessment Technical Appendix, are available at, select “Publications.”
According to the reports, residents consider quality of life to be good in the region. However, there is a shortage of services, especially for mental health, and […]

June 27, 2019




The Gainesville Iguana

The High Impact Prevention (HIP) project by WellFlorida Council aims to decrease the spread of HIV and link HIV-infected individuals to prevention and care services in Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, Lake, Marion and Putnam counties. The program is currently offering free HIV testing, condoms and educational materials at local events and participating businesses. 

Everyone’s Doing It promotes condom use and HIV testing throughout the six counties. Testing is confidential, and teens do not need parental consent to be tested for HIV. Locate HIV testing sites […]

May 8, 2019




The Florida Department of Health and WellFlorida Council have recently released Community Health Assessments for Columbia and Hamilton counties. The assessments for each county, which are accompanied by the 2019 Columbia and Hamilton County Community Health Assessment Technical Appendix, provide data on the health of the region and identify priority issues for improvement. The reports are available, select “Publications.”

Community Health Assessments are used to assess the population’s health status, incorporate the needs and priorities of the population, highlight areas of unmet need and […]

May 8, 2019




Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Mini-Grant Funding Awards (FY 2018-2019):

University of Florida Board of Trustees

FDOH in Putnam

Heart of Florida Health Center

Dynamic Therapy and Wellness Services, Inc.

Accent Physician Specialists – Endocrinology Department

Diabetes Self-Management Education
People with diabetes who complete a diabetes self-management education (DSME) class are better able to manage their disease and prevent or delay complications. DSME is NOT a 24-hour nurse hotline or a brochure. Rather, it is a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to disease management that meets national standards.

Funding Opportunity
The purpose of this funding is […]

April 11, 2019




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