The window to apply for 2015 coverage is quickly closing. Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace runs until Feb. 15. However, if consumers want a health plan beginning on Feb. 1, the deadline to enroll is Thursday. If you have questions about the Marketplace, want to review your coverage options, change your health insurance plan or apply for coverage for the first time, the Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators are here to help. WellFlorida Council has multiple Navigators available to provide free, unbiased assistance to guide […]
News, Events & Public Meetings
Affordable Health Care Act Information Week comes to Santa Fe College Jan. 26-29 with approved Navigators on hand in Building S and Building P breezeways to answer your questions, price policies and help students, faculty and staff enroll in health care plans before the Feb. 15 open enrollment deadline. At 2 p.m. Thursday, January 29, join health law expert Charles Koval and Navigator Lauren Vagelakos for their presentation, “The Affordable Health Care Act: What College Students Need to Know” in S29.
The Florida Department of Health, Division of Community Health Promotion, WellFlorida Council and Big Bend Health Planning Council hosted a Q&A session for potential DSME mini-grant applicants on Wednesday, January 21 from 11:00 – 12:00. Read the questions and answers presented in the conference call.
The Florida Department of Health is partnering with WellFlorida to manage mini-grant distribution and provide technical assistance and expert mentoring services to diabetes self-management education programs (DSME) in Hamilton, Suwannee, Lafayette, Dixie, Columbia, Gilchrist, Levy, Union, Bradford, Putnam […]
The Navigators program was created to help individuals and families in North Central Florida get healthcare through the new Health Insurance Marketplace. Too often, however, those seeking assistance do not qualify for discounts or tax credits through the Marketplace, nor do they qualify for Medicaid.
These low-income Floridians fall into the coverage gap, and the Navigators needed a resource to break their fall.
WellFlorida Council has recently published the Safety Net Healthcare Providers Directory, a comprehensive listing of free and low-cost healthcare providers in North Central Florida.
“With […]
The Florida Department of Health is partnering with WellFlorida to manage mini-grant distribution and provide technical assistance and expert mentoring services to diabetes self-management education programs (DSME) in Hamilton, Suwannee, Lafayette, Dixie, Columbia, Gilchrist, Levy, Union, Bradford, Putnam and Lake Counties.
Requirements for the mini-grant:
Category A: Unaccredited/unrecognized DSME programs which receive a mini-grant through this funding will be required to prepare their program for accreditation (American Association of Diabetes Educators-AADE) or recognition (American Diabetes Association-ADA), undergo a site visit/mock audit by an experienced DSME program auditor, […]
Give yourself and your family the gift of good health!
December 13th, 2014
10am – 3pm
Martin Luther King Center
1028 NE 14th St
Gainesville, FL 32601
Navigators and insurance agents will be available to help people check out their options and sign up for affordable, quality healthcare through the marketplace. The deadline for health insurance coverage that starts on January 1st, 2015 is December 15th. Open enrollment for 2015 ends on February 15th.
Get financial security and peace of mind knowing that you’ll have access to healthcare. […]
Monday is the 26th annual World AIDS Day, and team members of WellFlorida’s High Impact Prevention program are out in force to bring free HIV testing to the area today.
The day begins at Ferran Park in Eustis, where WellFlorida is providing free testing at the Lake County World AIDS Day Celebration from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Then, at 11 a.m., WellFlorida is hosting a free testing event at Santa Fe College until 1 p.m. The day ends with a free testing event at the […]
The Hippodrome in Downtown Gainesville will sponsor open enrollment in Marketplace health plans on November 16th from 1 to 6 p.m.
The Hippodrome, WellFlorida Council, Suwannee River AHEC, GetCoveredAmerica, and The America Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, are cosponsoring the healthcare event.
Open enrollment is being held at the theater to emphasize the importance of Gainesville artists getting insured. The event hopes to get every local artist covered.
Most Americans receive health insurance as a benefit from their employer but artists are three times more likely to be self-employed. […]
Come down to United Church of Gainesville’s Reimer Fellowship Hall on Friday, Nov. 21 to help celebrate the ACORN Clinic’s 40th Anniversary.
The Alachua County Organization for Rural Needs, Inc. (ACORN) Clinic was founded in 1974 to serve the health needs of those living in rural areas in and around Alachua County. ACORN clinic has since expanded to provide low-cost medical, dental and social services to low-income residents of North Central Florida.
The Anniversary Celebration will both commemorate ACORN clinics 40 years of service and honor the […]
WellFlorida Council is pleased to announce that it will continue to administer the Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators of North Central Florida.
Navigators are professionals certified to provide free and unbiased information on the options available through the Health Insurance Marketplace created by the Patient Protections and Affordable Care Act. These services are available to individual consumers, as well as small businesses and their employees, in the program’s 15-county service area.
The next Open Enrollment period begins Nov. 15. This period, during which anyone may sign up for […]