WellFlorida Programs During COVID-19

April 9, 2020




Updated June 9, 2020

Community Initiatives 
Currently, WellFlorida’s Community Initiatives team is working with the Florida Department of Health in Alachua, Hernando and Pasco counties on various health planning projects and will continue to meet via Zoom, email and conference calls. Organizations interested in partnering with WellFlorida on future projects, such as community health needs assessments, community health improvement plans, grant writing and program management, may fill out our Proposal Request Form or contact Lindsey Redding, Director of Community Initiatives.

North Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative (NCFCCC)
NCFCCC co-hosted a webinar on Cancer in the Time of Coronavirus on Friday, April 3. The webinar is now available for on-demand viewing. Follow WellFlorida on social media to learn more about other upcoming webinars.

Healthcare professionals and cancer patients, survivors and caregivers can continue to access the Cancer Resource Guide of North Central Florida for links to support groups, financial support services, tobacco cessation activities and more. 

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
SRTS provides free trainings for teachers and public officials on bike safety, secures grants for school infrastructure that encourages biking and walking to school, hosts bike rodeos at school and health fairs and distributes free bike helmets to children. Gatherings and travel are strictly limited for this program due to coronavirus safety precautions, however, schools can reach the SRTS team by contacting Morris Sherman in North Central Florida or Kyle Root in Big Bend.

HIV Care Programs 
WellFlorida’s HIV Care Programs, which include Ryan White and the Housing Opportunities Program, continue to be offered through our partner agencies. Many services are now offered over the phone or through telehealth to protect the health of clients and providers. Call 1-866-901-9646 for information or visit HIVCarePrograms.org for an overview of the programs.

High Impact Prevention (HIP)
HIP aims to decrease the spread of HIV and link HIV-infected individuals to prevention and care services in North Central Florida. Below are adjustments to the various services the program offers:
Free HIV Testing: Testing is now being offered by appointment only. Call 352-415-0459 x8006 or email to schedule.
Business Responds to AIDS: HIP continues to distribute condoms and prevention materials to participating businesses. Please contact Pam McFarlane
Link and Stay: This program, which provides adherence counseling for HIV-positive individuals and links them to resources, is connecting with clients via phone and Zoom meetings. Contact Andrew Montick for information. 
Health Education: For information on safer sex educational trainings, which have resumed using Zoom, contact Sarah Itacy. 
Popular Opinion Leaders: Contact Lazaro Tejera for the upcoming virtual training. 
Visit EveryoneStopAIDSNow.org for updates.

Maternal and Infant Health Home Visiting Programs
Healthy Start of North Central FloridaCentral Healthy StartMaternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV)NewboRN Home Visiting and Connect are monitoring the impact and spread of COVID-19, and are taking every precaution possible while continuing to serve their participants. 

Both Healthy Start coalitions continue to work with staff at OB/GYN offices and hospitals to guarantee the universal risk screens are available and being given to pregnant women at their first OB appointment. 

Pregnant women and families with young children interested in Healthy Start and MIECHV services can enroll in home visiting services by calling Connect at 877-678-9355. In addition to self-referring individuals, referring agencies and healthcare providers can also call Connect on behalf of their clients. Services are being provided to new and current participants via video conferencing and phone.

Home visits through Alachua County’s NewboRN Home Visiting are now being done virtually.

Please follow Healthy Start of North Central Florida and Central Healthy Start on social media for updates on our maternal and infant home visiting programs.

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Post by julie.harris

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