Take the Children’s Services Survey

June 6, 2016




Alachua County parents and guardians of children age 5 and under are invited to take a survey about services for children in the county. Parent/guardian survey participants will have the opportunity to win a $50 VISA gift card. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes. Healthcare providers, day care workers and other organizations and businesses that provide services to children age 5 and under are also encouraged to take a survey to help determine the needs of children in Alachua County and how they are currently being met. The Provider survey will be posted at www.WellFlorida.org/surveys/ next week. Results from the surveys will be included in the Alachua County Children’s Services Needs Assessment 2016 to be released in August. For more information, please contact Lindsey Redding at WellFlorida Council by email at lredding@www.wellflorida.org or by phone at 352-313-6500, ext. 110.

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Post by julie.harris

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