Contact Safe Routes to School for Events, Training and Grants

October 11, 2018




Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) is a statewide program funded by the Florida Department of Transportation. WellFlorida Council provides SRTS in North Central Florida and the Big Bend area. SRTS aims to create safe, convenient and fun opportunities for children to walk and bicycle to and from schools. The goal is to increase the number of children walking and biking, increase safety, and reverse the trend towards childhood obesity and inactivity.

Safe Routes to Schools offers:
Free resources and training for teachers, schools and other community professionals on pedestrian and bicycle safety.

Safety information, helmet give-aways and bike rodeos at community or school related events.

Assistance to communities and schools in applying for infrastructure funding for projects (sidewalks, bike lanes, lamp posts, etc.) that will improve the walking and biking conditions within two miles of a school.

Bicycle racks for schools in need.

Help planning safer routes for students to get to school by walking or biking.

Assistance in starting bicycle clubs at schools or community centers.

And much more!

Please contact us for more information:
North Central Florida, Morris Sherman
Big Bend, Kyle Root


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