Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators available to help North Central Floridians

WellFloirda News Release

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (September 30, 2013)—The Health Insurance Marketplace begins open enrollment this Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013 and Navigators throughout North Central Florida are poised to help consumers explore insurance options and sign up for a plan that meets their needs and budget.

WellFlorida Council, the region’s Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator program manager, has partnered with ACORN Clinic, Childhood Development Services, Heart of Florida Health Center, Palms Medical Group and Suwannee River AHEC to provide Navigator services. At the onset of the enrollment period, a […]

September 30, 2013




Gainesville Sun
Ocala Star Banner
By Kristine Crane

Teresa McCarthy has experienced the Affordable Care Act firsthand for more than a year now. In October 2012, her policy with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, in anticipation of the law, reinstated a wellness policy that allowed the 64-year-old to get a free annual mammogram and physical — things that had been absent from her policy for a couple of years.
Without them, “It worked OK only because I’m very, very healthy, and I have nothing wrong with me,” said […]

September 28, 2013




Gainesville Sun, Letters to the Editor

In the midst of our governor explicitly blocking the state Department of Health to provide information and assistance to families and individuals to take full advantage of the Affordable Care Act, it is vitally important to fill the information gap. Providing accurate information to consumers is sorely needed in the absence of any leadership by our elected officials. There is a short time left before the health exchanges become available on Oct. 1. Individuals who do not have employment-related access […]

September 23, 2013




By Elly Ayres

Gainesville resident Hazel Walter, an 89-year-old sister to two and aunt to 10, could not believe how heavy the small lump in her chest felt after her June 21 diagnosis.

Breast cancer.

The benign lump she’d carefully monitored for 30 years had developed into stage one of the top cause of cancer-related deaths for women in the United States, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In North Central Florida, the disease is second to cancer of the trachea, bronchus and lung […]

September 9, 2013




Lake City Reporter
By Steven Richmond

GAINESVILLE — WellFlorida was selected by the University of South Florida to be one of 10 statewide partners helping uninsured Floridians enroll in health coverage starting in October.

Because the state of Florida opted out of a Medicaid entitlement expansion and insurance exchange as part of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, it became eligible for grant programs from the federal government to facilitate the transition into the laws taking effect Jan. 1, 2014.

Those without health insurance after Jan.1 will […]

September 5, 2013




Gainesville Today
August 2013

MyHealthStory, a creation of CommunityHealth IT, a nonprofit organization, provides safe, secure communication between doctors and patients. Dr. David Willis, the company’s chief medical information officer and medical director; and co-director Kendra Siler-Marsiglio PhD, shared how the company is bridging the rural health gap, particularly in North Central Florida.

Q: How and why did CommunityHealth IT get started?
A: CommunityHealth IT started in 2009 when medical, economic development, and learning institution leaders decided that patients and medical providers in Gainesville and its surrounding […]

September 4, 2013




Gainesville Today
August 2013

MyHealthStory, a creation of CommunityHealth IT, a nonprofit organization, provides safe, secure communication between doctors and patients. Dr. David Willis, the company’s chief medical information officer and medical director; and co-director Kendra Siler-Marsiglio PhD, shared how the company is bridging the rural health gap, particularly in North Central Florida.

Q: How and why did CommunityHealth IT get started?
A: CommunityHealth IT started in 2009 when medical, economic development, and learning institution leaders decided that patients and medical providers in Gainesville and its surrounding […]

August 31, 2013




WellFlorida News Release

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (August 26, 2013)—Healthy Start of North Central Florida (HSNCF) announced this Monday an immediate expansion of services offered through the support of a federally awarded grant provided by the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV).

For over 20 years, Healthy Start of North Central Florida has continued to provide free prenatal and postpartum services to women and their children up to the age of three within 12 North Central Florida counties. The addition of MIECHV supported funding allows HSNCF […]

August 26, 2013




WellFlorida News Release

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (August 22, 2013)— WellFlorida has been selected by the University of South Florida (USF) as the consortium partner for 15 North Central Florida counties after USF recently received one of several “Navigator” grants for the state of Florida by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

WellFlorida will work in collaboration with USF as one of 10 statewide partners to hire local Navigators to help uninsured Floridians enroll for health coverage when the Health Insurance Marketplace opens October 1, 2013. Partners […]

August 22, 2013




University of South Florida News Release

The Department of Health and Human Services navigator award is the largest in Florida, and second largest nationwide.

The University of South Florida has been awarded a one-year, $4.2-million federal grant to help eligible uninsured Floridians who want in-person assistance with shopping for and enrolling in plans through the Health Insurance Marketplace, beginning this fall.

The Florida Covering Kids & Families program (FL-CKF) at the Lawton and Rhea Chiles Center, received second largest award out of $67 million in “Navigator” grant awards […]

August 16, 2013




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