WellFlorida oversees Navigators in NCF

WellFlorida Council is pleased to announce that it will continue to administer the Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators of North Central Florida.

Navigators are professionals certified to provide free and unbiased information on the options available through the Health Insurance Marketplace created by the Patient Protections and Affordable Care Act. These services are available to individual consumers, as well as small businesses and their employees, in the program’s 15-county service area.

The next Open Enrollment period begins Nov. 15. This period, during which anyone may sign up for […]

November 6, 2014




The Guardian
By Christopher Curry

As the second year of Affordable Care Act enrollment nears, reaching the remaining uninsured might pose a significant problem.

Open enrollment begins Nov. 15 and runs through Feb. 15.

In Gainesville, federally funded navigators who assist people with understanding health care coverage options under the Affordable Care Act will begin working with the public Thursday at Library Partnership and regularly hold sessions at county libraries over the next few months.

Lauren Vagelakos, the project coordinator for the navigator program that the […]

November 5, 2014




Gainesville Sun
By Christopher Curry

As the second year of Affordable Care Act enrollment nears, reaching the remaining uninsured might pose a significant problem.

Open enrollment begins Nov. 15 and runs through Feb. 15.

In Gainesville, federally funded navigators who assist people with understanding health care coverage options under the Affordable Care Act will begin working with the public Thursday at the Cone Park public library and regularly hold sessions at county libraries over the next few months.

Lauren Vagelakos, the project coordinator for the navigator program that the […]

October 30, 2014




WellFlorida Council will be tabling at the upcoming Pride events in Ocala and Gainesville to share information about Everyone’s Doing It—a High impact Prevention project. The overarching goal of this project is to decrease the spread of HIV and link HIV-infected individuals to prevention and care services in Alachua, Columbia, Lake, Marion and Putnam Counties. Through Everyone’s Doing It, we will be providing free HIV literature, safer sex kits and promotional items. We will also be available to answer questions about free HIV testing dates […]

October 13, 2014




Gainesville Sun
By Christopher Curry

The second year of Affordable Care Act enrollment starts in mid-November, and the navigators who help consumers sign up for health insurance coverage are gearing up to begin work.

Enrollment starts Nov. 15, and navigators will begin seeing residents interested in signing up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act on Nov. 3, said Lauren Vagelakos, the project coordinator for the nonprofit WellFlorida Council’s navigator program.

Like last year, the navigator program in Alachua County will be offered through several public […]

October 8, 2014




The Florida Breast Cancer Foundation, North Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative and Cancer Connections are hosting “Lunch and Learn—Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Current Practice and Future Promise.” The event is on October 29, 2014 from 12 to 1 p.m. at the Hope Lodge in Gainesville. Continuing education credits will be provided by Suwannee River AHEC. Guest speaker Dr. Lisa Spiguel will focus on the surgical care of breast cancer, the assessment of high risk patients and overall breast health. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP […]

October 7, 2014




Senior Times Magazine
by Kendra Siler-Marsiglio, PhD

Feeling unmotivated, unfocused, or in a “fog”? Life in the Information Age makes these sensations more common than ever. Read on to learn the science behind “cerebral congestion” and how to refresh your mind.

Science is showing that there are three major reasons that our brains are getting tired from attention demands.

Reason 1: Too much mental activity and not enough down time. When we are attentive and completing tasks, our minds are functioning in the central executive mode. If we […]

September 15, 2014




Health News Florida
By Carol Gentry

The University of South Florida has been awarded by far the largest grant in the state to hire “navigators” who help uninsured people sign up for health insurance coverage through the federal Marketplace, the Department of Health and Human Services announced Monday.

Only two other Florida organizations won  navigator grants: the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, $871,275, and the Pinellas County Commission, $535,156.

This year’s USF grant, of almost $5.4 million, is even larger than the $4.2 million USF received last year. The territory covered […]

September 9, 2014




Dr. David Willis, chief medical information officer of Community HealthIT and Munroe Regional Medical Center and the medical director of Florida Health Center, will be a guest speaker at the upcoming HIMSS Rural Health IT Community webinar on September 8, 2014. Willis will address how rural healthcare providers are positioned to work collaboratively on projects that improve health information technology (HIT) in their communities. For example, in many cases, the social capital already exists in cooperative relationships, which can overcome rural setbacks such as […]

September 4, 2014




North Florida School Days

Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace opens on November 15, 2014 with coverage starting as early as January 1, 2015. If you are already enrolled in a plan through the Marketplace from the previous year, you have the opportunity to renew the same plan or pick a different plan for the upcoming year.

Before Open Enrollment begins again on November 15, it is possible to buy insurance through the Marketplace if you experience a qualifying life event such as marriage, divorce, […]

September 4, 2014




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