Editorial: A healthier start

The Gainesville Sun

Based on its grade of D on the recent March of Dimes Premature Birth Report Card, Florida needs to do more to avoid the health and societal risks linked to preterm births.

Florida received the grade based on its rate of 13.6 percent preterm births among all births statewide in 2013. The rate was 11.8 percent in Alachua County.

Babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy are considered preterm.

The U.S. rate is far above the rates of other industrialized countries. The […]

November 18, 2014




Citrus County Chronicle
By Abdon Sidibe

Today is the kick-off of a three-month period when those without health insurance can get it. Officials with the Affordable Care Act are hoping to enroll up to one million Floridians.

Florida was one of the surprises last year when 980,000 residents signed up — the most among the 36 states using the federally run exchange. State lawmakers refused to expand Medicaid, which would have ensured health coverage for all residents. Medicaid provides coverage for low-income families, children, the elderly and […]

November 17, 2014




Special to The Gainesville Sun
By Lauren Vagelakos

On Saturday, open enrollment will begin for the second year of the Health Insurance Marketplace through the Affordable Care Act.

According to the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, over 200,000 more Floridians are projected to sign up for health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace this year. As an informed consumer, there are a few important things to remember when it comes to your insurance coverage for you and your family as you prepare for Open Enrollment.

Even if you […]

November 17, 2014




Senior Times Magazine
by Kendra Siler-Marsiglio, PhD

As you know, “walk for your health” is now very common advice. Now studies are showing that just “standing up” provides huge health benefits.

If you take a minute to sit and think about it, you can quickly come to the conclusion that we live in a “Sit Down” society. Most of us sit down to eat, work, and socialize. Running errands? I bet you’re sitting in a car or on a bus to get around.

Here’s what science worldwide is […]

November 15, 2014




Gainesville Sun
By Christopher Curry

This year, the penalty rises to 2 percent of income, or $325 per person — whichever is higher. The household cap is $975. Next year, the penalty goes up again to between 2.5 percent of income or a $695-per-person fee for individuals. After that, it continues to rise based on inflation.

The penalty rises over time until it is roughly equal to the amount a person would pay to buy insurance.

Some businesses that do not purchase insurance for their employees also […]

November 13, 2014




The Guardian
Guest column by Lauren Vagelakos

On Saturday, open enrollment will begin for the second year of the Health Insurance Marketplace, commonly known as Obamacare.

For African-American communities, getting health coverage is especially important. In the United States, more than 20 percent of African Americans do not have health insurance. African Americans experience higher rates of certain health issues, such as high blood pressure, prostate cancer and glaucoma.

With affordable health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace, residents are able to get coverage that provides them with the […]

November 13, 2014




The Hippodrome in Downtown Gainesville will sponsor open enrollment in Marketplace health plans on November 16th from 1 to 6 p.m.

The Hippodrome, WellFlorida Council, Suwannee River AHEC, GetCoveredAmerica, and The America Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, are cosponsoring the healthcare event.

Open enrollment is being held at the theater to emphasize the importance of Gainesville artists getting insured. The event hopes to get every local artist covered.

Most Americans receive health insurance as a benefit from their employer but artists are three times more likely to be self-employed. […]

November 12, 2014




Come down to United Church of Gainesville’s Reimer Fellowship Hall on Friday, Nov. 21 to help celebrate the ACORN Clinic’s 40th Anniversary.

The Alachua County Organization for Rural Needs, Inc. (ACORN) Clinic was founded in 1974 to serve the health needs of those living in rural areas in and around Alachua County. ACORN clinic has since expanded to provide low-cost medical, dental and social services to low-income residents of North Central Florida.

The Anniversary Celebration will both commemorate ACORN clinics 40 years of service and honor the […]

November 12, 2014




Ocala Star Banner
By Fred Hiers

This is open enrollment season for private sector insurance plans, Medicare Advantage plans, and the plans getting the most attention the past two years: those in the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace of health insurance offerings.

Enrollment for the latter group starts Saturday. Since the program’s debut last year, the number of uninsured residents has fallen across Florida, including a significant drop in Marion and neighboring counties.

The percent of uninsured residents in Marion County fell from 24 percent in 2013 […]

Palatka Daily News
By Brandon D. Oliver

A state medical organization earlier this week released health and socioeconomic statistics comparing nearly 20 counties to state averages.

Putnam County was among Alachua, Bradford, Lake and 12 other counties that were in the study released by the WellFlorida Council.

The study reported that in Putnam, the average teen birth rate is more than two times higher than the state average, and the average number of emergency room visits in the county is higher than the state average.

The study, which can […]

November 7, 2014




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