Our kids can count on the Children’s Trust

Gainesville Sun
By Dorothy Thomas and Dorothy Benson

In the Nov. 6 election, Alachua County voters have the opportunity to create the Children’s Trust of Alachua County, which will solely focus on the health, well-being and success of our children.

The Children’s Trust has earned the endorsements of 34 local organizations, including The Sun, as well as endorsements from dozens of local leaders. They know that the Children’s Trust can be transformative for our community and that the money generated to fund the Children’s Trust will be […]

October 23, 2018




Ocala Star Banner

WellFlorida, a health planning council and consultants for health causes, is an affiliate partner of two Healthy Start coalitions, which have a goal to reduce infant mortality, improve birth outcomes and promote healthy child development.

The WellFlorida Council was selected as a winner in the 25th National Health Information Awards. Marketing materials and health information for Heathy Start received a merit award for Total Health Information. Jill Dygert, WellFlorida’s Art Director and Communications Manager, is credited with the design and editing of the materials, […]

October 16, 2018




Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) is a statewide program funded by the Florida Department of Transportation. WellFlorida Council provides SRTS in North Central Florida and the Big Bend area. SRTS aims to create safe, convenient and fun opportunities for children to walk and bicycle to and from schools. The goal is to increase the number of children walking and biking, increase safety, and reverse the trend towards childhood obesity and inactivity.

Safe Routes to Schools offers:
Free resources and training for teachers, schools and […]

October 11, 2018




Home Magazine Gainesville
By Dorothy Benson, Dorothy Thomas and Lita Tholen

There were more than 10,000 children born in Alachua County in the last five years. What services have they received? Have they had regular health checks? Are they ready for kindergarten? What about the older children? Are they reading on grade level? Do they have enriching afterschool and summer activities?

The Campaign for Children’s Trust will answer these questions as well as two more: What do ALL children need to succeed? How can we best support […]

October 8, 2018




Oh Baby! A Gainesville Sun Publication

In 2017, nearly 3,000 babies were born at hospitals in Alachua County. Fifty-two were born in homes and another 20 were born at birthing centers. In order to improve the health and safety for all of the babies yet to be born in Alachua County, a group of local hospitals, home health agencies and childbirth providers have collaborated to make the NewboRN Home Visiting program.

A free service overseen by Healthy Start of North Central Florida, NewboRN Home Visiting is available […]

October 1, 2018




183,000 children in Florida have young parents ages 18 to 24. These young parents need to be able to complete their education and increase their employment skills to ensure they can support their families and promote their children’s healthy development.

According to Opening Doors for Young Parents, the latest KIDS COUNT® policy report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Florida is home to 148,000 young adult parents who face hurdles to support their children and fulfill their own potential. 

The fifty-state report reveals that, at 9 percent, Florida […]

October 1, 2018




WellFlorida Council was selected as a winner in the 25th anniversary National Health Information AwardsSM. This program recognizes the nation’s best consumer health information programs and materials. Marketing materials and health information for Heathy Start received a Merit Award for Total Health Information. Jill Dygert, WellFlorida’s Art Director and Communications Manager, is credited with the design and editing of the materials which include a brochure, pregnancy/baby planner, health bulletin and website.

“We were delighted to participate in […]

September 20, 2018




The next Trauma Agency General meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 12 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at the Dixie County Emergency Operations Center located at 17600 SE Highway 19 in Cross City. This is going to be a very exciting meeting as there are a variety of items on the agenda including:

Presentation from Meridian Behavioral Health Care for EMS Agencies to Participate in Blue Foundation Grant Services (Related to Post-Opioid Overdose Resuscitation)

Consideration of New Board of Directors Slate (as reviewed by […]

September 10, 2018




Please join us at the State Consumer Health Information and Policy Advisory Council. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26, 2018, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, with an hour allotted for lunch. The meeting address and call-in information is listed below.

The Data Standards and Transparency Workgroup will be convened for the first half of the meeting, and agenda Items include a discussion on the existing quality measures on FloridaHealthFinder and a review of new Hospice Quality Measures.

Meeting Location:
WellFlorida Council

September 10, 2018




WellFlorida Council is announcing a min-grant funding opportunity for Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) programs throughout Florida. Organizations interested in applying should go to www.WellFlorida.org and select the blog post “DSME Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity” to download the application and learn more about the grant’s objectives, funding and application process. The application deadline is Saturday, Sept. 1, 2018.

DSME is a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to disease management that meets national standards. To extend the reach of the DSME mini-grant funding opportunity, WellFlorida serves as a hub, on behalf of […]

August 6, 2018




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