Health IT Boot Camp in Marion County

August 9, 2016




smBoot-CampOver 60 healthcare professionals and their guests attended CommunityHealth IT’s free Health IT Boot Camp sponsored by Measure Up Marion. The boot camp was approved for 2.5 contact hours of CE by Suwannee River Area Health Education Center. At the boot camp, the Agency for Health Care Administration taught attendees how they can maximize payments from Medicaid and Medicare by leveraging health technologies available in Marion County. MyHealthStory—a portal that connects patients to the services, people and information that they need to stay healthy—was a focus of the boot camp event. Patients can access MyHealthStory using a computer, SmartPhone or similar device. Kendra Siler-Marsiglio PhD, President of CommunityHealth IT, facilitated the event. David C. Willis, MD, Medical Director of Heart of Florida Health Center, and Steve Christoff, MBA, Executive of Director of Physician Partners Accountable Care Organization, explained the value of MyHealthStory to Marion County providers and patients. MyHealthStory is being promoted and expanded in Marion County through CDC funding and Measure Up Marion. The boot camp was held on July 27 at the Munroe Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Conference Center. Munroe provided free breakfast for the group in addition to the event’s location.

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Post by julie.harris

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