Florida Safe Routes to School

Florida Safe Routes to School urges children to be active while teaching them about traffic safety

In an effort to reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity and other health issues, WellFlorida’s newest program Safe Routes to School (SRTS) will encourage children to walk or bike to school while also teaching them how to be alert in situations that involve pedestrian and bicycle safety. The statewide program, funded by the Florida Department of Transportation, will offer free training workshops that will prepare teachers and other community members in teaching kids how to safely interact with traffic.

Training sessions for Physical Education teachers in elementary and middle schools throughout North Central Florida are currently being scheduled. These sessions will allow teachers to order free helmets for their students in addition to giving them other resources to promote safety. To schedule a training session for teachers or community members in your county within North Central Florida, contact Morris Sherman at msherman@www.wellflorida.org or by calling 352-313-6500 ext. 114

Safe Routes to School can also assist communities and schools in applying for infrastructure funding for projects within two miles of a school within our project’s North Central Florida counties. If a school or community organization believes that there is need for sidewalks, bike lanes, school zones, lamp posts, etc. within two miles of a school, she/he should contact Morris Sherman to assist in the application process.

Learn more about Safe Routes To School by visiting FloridaSRTS.com or srtsFL.org.

Upcoming SRTS events:

  • June 7 from 12 to 2 p.m.: Safe Routes to School will be at the Columbia County FDOT office for their Take your Child to Work Day. FDOT employees and their children will be completing a bicycle rodeo and learning safe biking skills.
  • June 16 from 12 to 3 p.m.: Safe Routes to School will be providing a bicycle rodeo at the Family Fun Day Event at the Union County Housing Authority Housing Complex (for residents in the housing complex)
  • June 19: Columbia County Traffic Safety Team Meeting – Residents in Columbia, Suwannee, Lafayette, and Hamilton counties can submit roadway concerns to the traffic safety team here: http://trafficsafetyteam.org/roadway-concerns/. Roadway Concerns can include potholes, speed limit increase or decrease requests, signage visibility issues, traffic signal concerns, enforcement issues (people speeding/not obeying traffic laws), lighting and safety concerns, etc.
  • June 21: Alachua County Traffic Safety Team Meeting – Residents in Alachua County can submit roadway concerns to the traffic safety team here: http://trafficsafetyteam.org/roadway-concerns/. Roadway Concerns can include potholes, speed limit increase or decrease requests, signage visibility issues, traffic signal concerns, enforcement issues (people speeding/not obeying traffic laws), lighting and safety concerns, etc.
  • June 23 from 12 to 3 p.m. Safe Routes to School will be providing a bicycle rodeo at the Family Fun Day Event at the Columbia County Housing Authority  Housing Complex (for residents in the complex).
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Post by julie.harris

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