Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity 2020

October 15, 2019




The following organizations were selected for the DSME Mini Grant Funding for 2020:
·         Dynamic Therapy and Wellness Services, Inc.
·         Heart of Florida Health Center
·         Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc.
·         Living Smart Diabetes Self-Management Program
·         PanCare of Florida, Inc.
·         Ascension Sacred Heart Gulf


WellFlorida Council is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grant funding to expand access to DSME programs in North Central Florida.

People with diabetes who complete a diabetes self-management education (DSME) class are better able to manage their disease and prevent or delay complications. DSME is NOT a 24-hour nurse hotline or a brochure. Rather, it is a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to disease management that meets national standards.

The purpose of this funding is to reduce health inequity in areas with limited or no access to quality DSME services and to increase organizations’ ability to provide quality diabetes self-management education services. These areas include rural communities without a recognized or accredited DSME program and populations which experience high rates of type 2 diabetes, its complications, and diabetes-related death. This funding is also available to organizations which are providing diabetes education or wish to provide diabetes education, even if they are neither DSME accredited/recognized nor plan to work towards DSME accreditation/recognition. The inclusion of Community Health Workers in this process is encouraged. 

Learn more about DSME Mini-Grant funding announcement and application here.


Weds., Oct. 16, 2019: Funding announcement released on or before

Weds., Oct. 30, 2019: Q&A Conference Call from 2 – 3 p.m.
Or Dial by your location (646) 558-8656 
Meeting ID: 653-331-331 
Password: 018365

Review the DSME Funding Opportunity Q&A Conference Call. 

Weds., Nov. 27, 2019*: Applications due to lredding@www.wellflorida.org

Mon., Dec. 9 – Weds., Dec. 18, 2019: Telephone interviews

Friday, Dec. 20: Funding awards announced by this date

*All applications must be received by this date. Late applications will not be considered.

Questions?  Contact Lindsey Redding at lredding@www.wellflorida.org or 352-313-6500 ext. 110

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Post by julie.harris

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