2021 County Health Profiles Now Available

March 1, 2021




WellFlorida Council recently released 2021 health data for each county in North Central Florida and the collective region. A PDF version of the County Health Profiles is now available on the website.

The annual county health profiles help residents and community leaders obtain an overview of the health status of the region and how each county compares to each other and the state.

WellFlorida Council is a state designated local health planning council serving 16 counties in the region: Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, Marion, Putnam, Sumter, Suwanee and Union. The data represents the health status of over 1.6 million residents across these 16 counties and District 3.

The reports include data for a range of categories including access to healthcare, lifestyle, socioeconomics, and maternal and infant health. County health profiles can be used as a starting point that may lead to further research, awareness activities or programs to improve health in our region.

To download a PDF version of the 2021County Health Profiles, visit https://wellflorida.org/data-reports/county-health-profiles/.

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Post by julie.harris

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