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June 9, 2014




MyHealthStory, the community-level Health Information Exchange supported by WellFlorida, helps healthcare professionals engage patients and satisfy Meaningful Use Stage 2 secure messaging and patient engagement measures. All across the nation, the federal government will be requiring that healthcare professionals have at least 5% of their patients accessing their medical records electronically. This may seem like a doable number; however, most healthcare professionals are finding it difficult to reach that goal. Why? For one, patients have a time memorizing all the different passcodes and processes to […]

June 9, 2014




Cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes are all diseases with known links to smoking cigarettes. Smoking can also greatly inhibit the surgical treatment of these conditions, as discussed by Matthew S. Ellis, MD, at the 6th Annual Rural Tobacco Summit on “Addiction: Tobacco & E-Cigarettes.”

Surgical treatment involves a wound healing process that normally includes inflammation, repair and remodeling, said Ellis, medical director for Wound Care and Hyperbarics at North Florida Regional Medical Center. When tobacco smoke is present in the environment, however, this process can be […]

June 2, 2014




E-cigarettes have been marketed for less than a decade, first prevalent in Japan in 2004 and later exported to the U.S. and Europe. Due to the product’s novelty, little information on its components, usage and effects are readily available from trustworthy sources. Kathy Nichols presented her research on “What We Know and Don’t Know” about e-cigarettes at the 6th Annual Rural Tobacco Summit on “Addiction: Tobacco & E-Cigarettes.”

E-cigarettes are marketed as electronic nicotine delivery systems/devices (ENDS/ENDDS), electronic cigarettes and personal vaporizers. Its users also commonly […]

June 1, 2014




The effects of tobacco addiction are inherently different on the adolescent brain as compared to adults. This was the focus of the presentation by Daniel Logan, MD, at the 6th Annual Rural Tobacco Summit on “Addiction: Tobacco & E-Cigarettes.” Logan, an assistant professor at the University of Florida Department of Psychiatry, discussed distinctive mental characteristics of teenage smokers.

The adolescent brain is maturing until about the age of 25. During this time, long-term connections and mental processes are being strengthened. When a teenager consumes tobacco there […]

April 28, 2014




Gainesville Sun
By Courtney Lindwall

If Bobby Davis were to write a story about AIDS, he said he would call it “Young Men With Canes.”

It would be the story of young men with short lives, of disease without treatment, of sickness with shame. Eventually, it would be the story of progress.

For nearly 30 years, Davis has led the fight in Alachua County agrainst the virus that at times has seemed unbeatable. In that job, he was an advocate, community leader, mentor and friend.

This year will be […]

April 15, 2014




WellFlorida News Release

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (April 15, 2014)— Julie Moderie has been promoted to chief operations officer of WellFlorida Council, Inc., a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) located in Gainesville. WellFlorida is the state designated local health planning council for North Central Florida and specializes in health consultancy for clients and projects throughout the state. As the program director for the Healthy Start program, Moderie has seven years of service with the organization, and has advanced from senior planner in 2007 to planning manager in 2010. In her current […]

April 4, 2014




Suwannee Democrat
By Bryant Thigpen

Suwannee County has been ranked 53 out of 67 counties in Florida regarding the overall health status of the county, according to recent data released by the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Suwannee County’s ranking did improve from last year which was ranked at 54.

Union County was ranked this year at 67.

According to a press release by the Florida Department of Health, this study highlights the many community factors that influence health. These rankings are a snapshot of […]

April 4, 2014




Special to the Gainesville Sun

For most Americans, open enrollment for the health insurance marketplace ended on March 31. However, there are some special cases that allow consumers to finish their insurance application in the marketplace if they were not able to do so before the deadline.

It is important for consumers to fully understand their options when it comes to completing their enrollment, especially given the ever-changing climate that has been health care reform.

Despite information throughout the media, the open enrollment period for the health insurance […]

April 4, 2014




GTN News

There’s still a lot of confusion about the healthcare enrollment deadline. The Obama Administration announced a deadline extension, but was it extended for you?

GTN’s Hailey Holloway has what you need to know to avoid a fine from the IRS.

“We didn’t expect something like this to happen!,” said Lauren Vagelakos, an associate planner at WellFlorida Council and the coordinator of navigators in North Central Florida.

If you’re confused about the deadline to sign up for healthcare, you’re not alone. Even the federally-employed navigators had to figure […]

April 3, 2014




Gainesville Sun
By Kristine Crane

Google e-cigarettes and celebrities and you’ll see glam shots that seem to glorify smoking the “harmless” new type of cigarette.

The problem is, electronic cigarettes aren’t harmless, experts told an audience Tuesday of about 60 people — mostly health care professionals in rural North Central Florida — at a tobacco summit in Lake City.

The sixth-annual gathering, which was organized by the Suwannee River Area Health Education Center and other partners, focused in part on e-cigarettes and youth addiction.

According to the Florida Youth […]

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