2018 Area 3/13 Ryan White and HOP Survey

January 24, 2018




The North Central Florida CARE Consortium is encouraging persons infected with HIV to indicate their satisfaction with the care they received in 2017 from our Ryan White clinics, medical case management, eligibility and our HOP (housing) programs by taking the 2017 Area 3/13 Ryan White and HOP Survey. This annual survey is for individuals who receive HIV services in the following counties: Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, Marion, Putman, Sumter, Suwannee and Union. Individuals who take part in the survey are able to help the organization decide how services will be provided and how to allocate Ryan White and HOP funds in the future.

For questions about the local survey, contact Alice at 352-313-6500 ext. 126.
To take the surveys, please visit www.wellflorida.org and select “surveys.”

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Post by julie.harris

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